Yaran Northwest


Yaran Northwest aim to provide excellent quality service to support people with a wide range of psychological needs, many of these people also experience social vulnerabilities and disadvantage who wish to integrate and strengthen their confidence and self-esteem.

یاران با هدف ارائه خدمات با کیفیت عالی برای حمایت از افراد با طیف گسترده ای از نیازهای روانی است، بسیاری از این افراد نیز آسیب ها و نقطه ضعف های اجتماعی را تجربه می کنند که مایل به مشارکت در جامعه و تقویت اعتماد به نفس خود هستند


All services are free for BAME (Black Asian and Minority Ethnic) residents of Greater Manchester

Yaran North West has helped over
People across Manchester

Yaran and leaders

Collaborative work between Greater Manchester Leaders and VCSE (Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector) to tackle inequalities has grown in strength particularly during Coronavirus pandemic to support individuals and communities in need.

Yaran and leader

کار مشارکتی بین رهبران منچستر بزرگ و 
VCSE (داوطلبانه، جامعه و بخش تصدی اجتماعی) 
برای مقابله با نابرابری ها در قدرت به ویژه در طول همه گیر کروناویروس برای حمایت از افراد و جوامع نیازمند رشد کرده است.


Our Psychological service provides one-to-one and group counselling/psychotherapy for middle eastern, in particular Farsi, Dari, Arabic, Turkish, Kurdish and Urdu speaking residents, across Greater Manchester including new immigrants, families and couples who need urgent help and support in health and well-being.

Group Services

The Advocacy service assist people from Middle Eastern background and covers improving their confidence, developing their basic skills in learning English, understanding the world of work, and guidance in seeking jobs.


Mental Health Services

Our workshops, community-based programmes and professionally led
self-help groups are for those in the community experiencing mild to moderate mental health issues alongside a spectrum of life issues too.

Light in the dark

Suicide Prevention

About us

Yaran Community North West established as a not-for-profit in 2012. The charity works to provide a variety of services to meet the needs of vulnerable adults, new immigrants and their families in Greater Manchester who need urgent help with counselling advocacy, recovery and wellbeing.

Our Mission, Vision & Aims

To celebrate and empower the wider community through integration and cohesion, and to become a centre of excellence for wellbeing and culture in the community. 

 We also aim to support our community to develop healthier quality of life and to preserve the cultural heritage of the Iranian community in Manchester.


Referral Form

Wellbeing Fund
Mental Health
European Union
UK Government
Local Enterprise Partnership
Salford CVS
Community Fund
People Health
Living Wage
HM Prison